2nd January 2025 Broadcast Reel Broadcast reel for COM JO351 Reporting with Audio and Visual with Professor Tina McDuffie.
8th December 2023 Coverage of "The China Challenge" Coverage of "The China Challenge" talk featuring Reps. Jake Auchincloss (D-MA-4) and Ro Khanna (D-CA-17) for COM JO200 Newswriting with Professor Mitchell Zuckoff.
Amanda Brucculeri • 8th December 2023 Palestine Protest Op-Doc Final project for COM JO205 Visual Storytelling with Professor Peter Smith.
YouTube • 3rd November 2023 Karen Flannery Multimedia Project A look at a local artist for COM JO205 Visual Storytelling with Professor Peter Smith.
19th October 2023 Linda Villarosa Speech Coverage Coverage of author and journalist Linda Villarosa's speech at Boston College for COM JO 200 Newswriting with Professor Mitchell Zuckoff.
3rd October 2023 Trained Opera Singer Hawks at Fenway Photo assignment for COM JO205 Visual Storytelling with Professor Peter Smith.